Nuove proposte

Officina942 ci propone delle nuove riproduzioni piuttosto interessanti nella consueta scala 1:76, utilizzando sia il metallo pressofuso che la resina. Da mettere in rilievo la  scelta azzeccata dei soggetti. 

Officina942 offers us some new rather interesting reproductions in the usual 1:76 scale, using both die-cast metal and resin. To highlight the correct choice of subjects.


                                      Fiat 1100 L Giardinetta Viotti 1946, Officine942, 1:76
                                 Fiat 500 C Camioncino 3 assi Ollearo 1951, Officina942, 1:76

                                     Fiat Campagnola SW Savio 1954, Officina942, 1:76

                                            La Fiat Nuova 500 1957, Officina942, 1:76

                                      Fiat Nuova 500 Sport 1958, Officina942, 1:76


                                              Filobus Fiat 672 F 1940, Officina942, 1:76

Nelle foto seguenti alcune novità di IXO, WhiteBox, BoS-Models, Brekina e CMF in varie scale  e materiali.

In the following photos some news of IXO, WhiteBox, BoS-Models, Brekina and CMF in various scales and materials.

                                         Mercedes Unmog 402 1956, BoS-Models, 1:87
                                    Fiat 690 millepiedi Ferrero, Brekina Starline, 1:87


                                  AEC Regent III RT London Transport 1939, IXO, 1:43

                                                   Simca 1100 Special 1970, IXO, 1:43


Skoda 1000 MB 1969, WhiteBox, 1:24

                                                Simca 1000 Rallye 2 1970, WhiteBox, 1:24

                                                Porsche 911 S 1968, WhiteBox, 1:24

                                                 Aurus Senat Russian State Car 2018, CMF, 1:18

                                    Aurus Senat Russian State Car 2018, CMF, 1:18


